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Explore five traditional Punjabi dances that will add excitement and cultural flair to your next event.


When we think of Bhangra, the first thing that comes to mind is the vibrant energy and colourful costumes. Originating from the Punjab region, Bhangra is a traditional dance that was initially performed to celebrate the harvest season. Today, it has evolved into a popular form of entertainment at various events, from weddings to festivals.

Bhangra is characterised by its fast-paced music, vigorous movements, and the use of traditional instruments like the dhol. The dance is not just a feast for the eyes but also a fantastic way to get your guests on their feet, making it a perfect addition to any event.


For those who prefer a more graceful and expressive dance, Giddha is the perfect choice. This traditional Punjabi dance is performed by women and is known for its eloquent hand movements and rhythmic footwork. Giddha often involves singing boliyan, which are short verses that reflect everyday life, romance, and social issues.

Giddha is not just a dance; it's a storytelling medium that brings out the rich cultural heritage of Punjab. The dance is performed in a circle, with each dancer taking turns to showcase their moves, making it an interactive and engaging experience for all attendees.


If you're looking to add a touch of tradition and elegance to your event, Jhummar is an excellent option. Originating from the Sandalbar region of Punjab, Jhummar is a traditional folk dance that is performed by men. It is characterised by its slow, rhythmic movements and the use of traditional instruments like the chimta and the dholak.

Jhummar is often performed during festive occasions and is a symbol of joy and celebration. The dance's graceful movements and melodious music create a serene and captivating atmosphere, making it a delightful addition to any event.


Another beautiful dance form that you can consider for your event is Sammi. This traditional Punjabi dance is performed by women and is known for its unique and intricate hand movements. Sammi is often performed in a circle, with each dancer following the leader's steps.

Sammi is traditionally performed during the spring season and is a symbol of fertility and renewal. The dance's graceful movements and the use of colourful costumes make it a visually stunning performance that will leave your guests mesmerised.


Last but not least, Jaago is a lively and spirited dance that is perfect for any celebratory event. Jaago, which means "wake up," is traditionally performed during pre-wedding ceremonies to wake up the village and invite them to join in the celebrations.

The dance involves singing and dancing with decorated pots called "jaago" placed on the heads of the dancers. The energetic movements and enthusiastic singing create a festive atmosphere, making it an excellent choice to kickstart any event.

Here is a summary table of the five traditional Punjabi dances:

Punjabi Dance Summary
Dance Gender Occasion Characteristics
Bhangra Both Harvest, Celebrations Vigorous movements, Traditional instruments
Giddha Women Festivals, Social Gatherings Expressive hand movements, Storytelling
Jhummar Men Festive Occasions Slow rhythmic movements, Traditional music
Sammi Women Spring Season, Celebrations Intricate hand movements, Colourful costumes
Jaago Both Pre-Wedding Ceremonies Energetic movements, Decorated pots

At Party Central, we believe that incorporating traditional Punjabi dances into your event can add a unique and memorable touch. Whether you're planning a wedding, a festival, or any other celebration, these dances are sure to captivate your guests and create an unforgettable experience. By working closely with our network of suppliers, we ensure that you have access to the best performers and resources, making the event planning process seamless and enjoyable.

We invite you to explore these traditional Punjabi dances and consider adding them to your next event. With their vibrant energy, graceful movements, and rich cultural heritage, they are sure to make your celebration truly special. Reach out to Party Central today and let us help you bring the magic of Punjab to your event!

Charlotte Murphy writes about lifestyle and wellness, often exploring how to incorporate healthy practices into daily life.

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